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nsysccr is Nintendo System CCR which interfaces with the IOS-PAD part of IOSU through various /dev nodes. See the IOSU wiki page for a list.

Code Translation

CCR - Misc. Gamepad

#define CCR_CDC_Handle 0x10000618 /* Base addresses in .data in IDA- */
#define CCR_IPCBufPool 0x10000620 /* -Probably global vars when building */

#define CCR_ERROR_BASE 0xFFEE0000

uint32_t* CCR_IPCBufPoolAllocate(void) //020038AC
    return IPCBufPoolAllocate(*CCR_IPCBufPool, 0x3A4);

void CCR_IPCBufPoolFree(uint32_t *handle) //020038BC
    return IPCBufPoolFree(*CCR_IPCBufPool, handle);

int CCREnableDrhCheck(int value) //02002D14
    uint32_t *handle = CCR_IPCBufPoolAllocate();
    if (!handle)
        return CCR_ERROR_NO_BUFPOOL;
    *handle = value;
    handle[32] = &handle;
    handle[33] = 4;
    int ret = IOS_Ioctlv(*CCR_CDC_Handle, 0x385, 1, 0, &handle[32]);
    return ret;

int CCREnablePowerButton(int value) //02002D9C
    uint32_t *handle = CCR_IPCBufPoolAllocate();
    if (!handle)
        return CCR_ERROR_NO_BUFPOOL;
    *handle = value;
    handle[32] = &handle;
    handle[33] = 4;
    int ret = IOS_Ioctlv(*CCR_CDC_Handle, 0x386, 1, 0, &handle[32]);
    return ret;

int CCRSetCompatMode(int value) //02002E24
    uint32_t *handle = CCR_IPCBufPoolAllocate();
    if (!handle)
        return CCR_ERROR_NO_BUFPOOL;
    *handle = value;
    handle[32] = &handle;
    handle[33] = 4;
    int ret = IOS_Ioctlv(*CCR_CDC_Handle, 0x387, 1, 0, &handle[32]);
    return ret;

void CCREnableFwUpdateMode(void) //020038CC
    int var = 2;
    if(bspWrite("CCRH", 0, "Reset", 4, &var) == 0) //bspWrite in coreinit, interfaces with IOS-BSP, r3-r7
        COSWarn(1, "Successfully reset host and ENabled fw update\n");
        COSWarn(1, "FAILED to reset host and enable fw update\n");
    COSWarn(1, "Wait 3 seconds for HOST to deatach and attach\n"); //Typo in binary
    OSSleepTicks((int64_t)3 * (OSGetSystemInfo()->busClockSpeed / 4));

void CCRDisableFwUpdateMode(void) //02003970
    int var = 4;
    if(bspWrite("CCRH", 0, "Reset", 4, &var) == 0) //bspWrite in coreinit, interfaces with IOS-BSP, r3-r7
        COSWarn(1, "Successfully reset host and DISabled fw update\n");
        COSWarn(1, "FAILED to reset host and disable fw update\n");
    COSWarn(1, "Wait 3 seconds for HOST to deatach and attach\n"); //Typo in binary
    OSSleepTicks((int64_t)3 * (OSGetSystemInfo()->busClockSpeed / 4));

CCRHID - Gamepad Human Interface Device API

void CCRHIDSetup(void) //02000498
    COSInfo(6, "%s() depricated, no need to call\n", "CCRHIDSetup"); //Typo in binary
    return 0;

void CCRHIDTeardown(void) //020004D4
    COSInfo(6, "%s() depricated, no need to call\n", "CCRHIDTeardown"); //Typo in binary
    return 0;

CCRCDC - Gamepad Communications Device Class API

uint16_t CCRCDCCalcCRC16(uint8_t *data, uint32_t size) //02002EAC
    uint16_t crc = 0xFFFF;
    if (size > 0)
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
            crc ^= data[j]; //load in new byte
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                if ((crc & 0x0001) == 1) //if LSB is set, do xor
                    crc = (crc >> 1) ^ 0x8408;
                else //just cycle 1
                    crc >>= 1;
    return crc;