In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

User:Rw-r-r 0644

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Homebrew :)

Title Description Author
CHIP-8 Emulator A CHIP8 emulator for Wii U with GX2 graphics rw-r-r_0644, brienj
Flappy Bird GX2 A Flappy Bird Clone for Wii U using GX2 graphics rw-r-r_0644
HID Keyboard Monitor (PoC) Reads data from USB Keyboards rw-r-r_0644
TicTacToe Tic Tac Toe for WiiU rw-r-r_0644, CreeperMario
UClick Click 'A' as fast as possible rw-r-r_0644